Monday, December 29, 2014

1927, Wings

We are starting at the beginning.  The first academy awards were held in 1929 and movies were nominated from the previous two years.  Wings became the first movie to win best picture at the Academy Awards.  Then it was called “Outstanding Picture”

I got the DVD from Netflix a couple of months ago.  I’ve been putting this off because Baldvin (my husband) is not exceedingly excited to watch this movie with me (for the second time). 

My brother and his girlfriend came over for a visit and drink that afternoon.  (They came over means they walked downstairs.  Gibert and Marina occupy the other floor in our multi-family house.)  When they heard about the plan, they invited me upstairs to view Wings on their large screen TV.  It wasn’t until we were upstairs that I told them that we were watching a silent movie.

They weren’t entirely enthusiastic, so we decided to make it fun by playing roles.  Marina narrated.  She was a great narrator.   We each read the lines of different characters.  We drank Champagne in the theme of the Paris scene.  Baldvin got pretty excited when “I’m forever blowing bubbles” (West Ham United song) played.  The narration only got better and at times we descended into “Mystery Science Theater 3000” mode.  The film isn’t classified as a comedy, but with the right audience, the film is pretty funny.

I think there may have been an early example of product placement (“women who drive Ford cars especially desired”), but I think to be legitimate product placement, money has to change hands.  I was also surprised to see nudity in a movie from the 1920’s (naked men getting physicals and Clara Bow’s breasts in Paris.)

Wings was filmed entirely in and around San Antonio, but there aren’t any San Antonio scenes, so it isn’t really a great movie for traveling.

A friend of mine said Wings is still revered as having some of the best flight scenes in the history of cinema.  The actors flew the planes themselves (and in some cases learned to fly just for this movie), and many of the shots were from inside the plane.  They were good flight scenes, but it did feel like some scenes (even some of the flight scenes) were drawn out and the characters weren't fully developed.

The music was fun and it was interesting to see how music and exaggerated expression made up for the lack of words. 

Overall, I enjoyed my first silent movie.  But I look forward to the talkies.  

Night at the Oscars

More aptly named, this should be called nightS at the Oscars, because it will take a long time to get through all of the films nominated for best picture.  I have decided to watch every movie ever nominated for best picture.  I expect to learn a lot about the history of the Oscars, I expect to watch excellent films, and I expect to crochet ten baby blankets and an army of stuffed animals and toys.

Welcome and enjoy.

Flash forward: Surveys to allow others to participate in the ratings and comments with me!